While celebrities are usually the first to jump on a new skincare bandwagon, it doesn’t always turn out the way they hoped. In the early 2000’s fillers and Botox became the go-to anti-aging treatment for celebrities across the world. It seemed like the perfect quick fix for a new movie role or a red carpet but more and more celebs are admitting to using botox and talking about the negative effects that made them swear it off for life.
While powerful cosmeceutical ingredients such as peptides are replacing these dangerous and outdated techniques.
Gwyneth Paltrow
This beauty was born into the Hollywood scene, having appeared in movies almost her whole life. While she now pushes a cleaner approach to living and her body, Gwyneth Paltrow once tried Botox and swore it off for life.

“I’ll try anything. Except I won’t do Botox again, because I looked crazy. I looked like Joan Rivers!”
Cameron Diaz
It’s hard to believe this blonde beauty is almost 50! You think with her charming humor and stunning good looks, Cameron Diaz would be the girl who has it all, but even she has caved to the pressure of Hollywood. After trying out Botox on her wrinkles, she realized she was more comfortable without it and vowed never again to use Botox.

“I’ve tried [Botox] before, where it was like a little tiny touch of something. It changed my face in such a weird way that I was like, ‘No, I don’t want to be like that’ – I’d rather see my face aging than a face that doesn’t belong to me at all.”
Nicole Kidman
Nicole has been in the spotlight for years and always have a stunning, youthful glow. Believe it or not, even she fell to the pressures of Hollywood to get Botox, and continued to get injections for years. These days, she regrets it so much she has sworn it off ever since!

“I didn’t like how my face looked afterward. Now I don’t use it anymore—I can move my forehead again,” she once joked.
Have you ever tried Botox or filler? Let us know in the comments below!