Are These Common Skincare Mistakes Making You Look Older?

Sep 22, 2021
Are These Common Skincare Mistakes Making You Look Older?

If you dream of bringing a youthful glow back to your skin, you aren’t alone. Millions of Americans are unhappy with aging skin – but there are ways to bring it back to life if you know the right tricks.

A few areas of your face give your age away and if you can take care of those properly, it will help turn the clock back on your skin. Here are some of the top skin mistakes to avoid if you want to look younger and how to fix them!

Crepey Eyes

Crepey and sagging eyes are some of the worst signs of aging. It can be especially common if you used a lot of force to remove makeup or are prone to rubbing your eyes. No matter how your eye skin became crepey, you’ll need to focus on helping to reverse it to tighten and brighten your eye area. The first step to this is applying powerful ingredients designed specifically for the eye area.

A potent formula like our Eye Recovery Serum will work to deliver effective and proven peptides to your eye area. Because the eye skin is so delicate, you can apply it gently and expect amazing results. Best of all, the more you use it, the better it will work at tightening eye skin. It’s also wonderful for fading dark circles and de-puffing eye bags all in one easy step!

Not Moisturizing

rub to hard Dry skin doesn’t always feel dry to the touch, and sometimes the dehydration can hide in the deeper layers of skin. It may not seem like a big deal to skip an application of moisturizer, but it can have bad consequences for the look and feel of your skin. It will also hurt your chances of seeing results from your anti-aging moisturizer in the long run.

If you want to see great results in your anti-aging routine, it’s crucial you never skip a day of your moisturizer. Not only will dry skin make wrinkles and lines look much worse, but your moisturizer is packed with anti-aging amino acids and peptides which will make all the difference in the results you see.

Untreated Dark Spots

Stay consistent Sunscreen may be a very common product for most people these days, but growing up generations ago we didn’t fully understand the harmful effects of the sun. Now, decades later, it shows up on our faces as dark spots. These dark spots are hard to get rid of and difficult to hide with makeup. For years, your only option was to try expensive and painful laser surgery – but not anymore.

Thanks to breakthroughs in skincare technology, they’ve been able to harness the power of vitamin C to help fade and fight dark spots. The specially stabilized vitamin C, like we use in our Dark Spot Corrector, has been tested to fade spots in as little as 30 days with amazing results over time with continued use. That means that instead of painful lasers, you can help remove dark spots at home in less than a minute a day!