Here’s Why You Should Never Use Expired Skincare

Sep 22, 2021
Here’s Why You Should Never Use Expired Skincare

Does your skincare have an expiry date? You might be surprised to find out that like many other products in your household, your skincare can expire too!

Expired skincare isn’t just a waste of your time, but it can have some bad consequences for your complexion too. Here are the top reasons you should never use expired skincare products in your routine!

The Ingredients Don’t Work

clean skin Most skincare products are made to last you between 6 to 12 months. This is because they are often packed with important ingredients that are the reason you see results in your wrinkles and lines. If you are using older skincare products, the effectiveness of the ingredients drops dramatically and it will mean that no matter how much you try, you won’t be able to see the proper results of your routine.

Make sure that you are using up your products in less than a year to make sure that the special ingredients formulated to plump wrinkles and build collagen don’t get old and depleted. If these ingredients are fresh and your products are new, it will make sure that you’re getting ample help to fight signs of aging successfully and give the ingredients a chance to show you their magic!

It Can Cause Irritation

rub to hard If you found an old piece of food hiding in the back of your refrigerator, you’d likely avoid eating it because it can cause an upset stomach or make you sick. The same goes for your skincare products which can react differently to your skin if they are expired. Old ingredients may have spoiled and when you apply them to your skin, it can allow bacteria and dirt to go directly into your pores. You need to be sure you’re using fresh products with effective anti-aging ingredients to keep skin safe.

Irritation can show up in the form of redness, breakouts, or even a rash. That’s why it’s so important to check the expiry dates on all your products before using them. Having new, fresh products that are less than 6 months to a year old will make sure that you’re only putting healthy and fresh ingredients on your face. It will cut down your chances of irritation dramatically so you can focus on continuing to improve your already gorgeous complexion!

It Changes Texture

Stay consistent Many people don’t often realize that the texture of your skincare products is an important aspect of how they work. When products are expired or have spent too long open and in humidity, it can cause the texture of your products to change. If you notice a change in smell, texture, or color of your products, you’ll know it’s definitely time to ditch them and get new ones.

Some of the most noticeable texture chances will be in your moisturizing cream like your Repair & Release Cream. The whipped, thick consistency is the reason it is able to hydrate skin and repair wrinkles without a greasy feeling. If your product is expired, you won’t get any of those benefits. The same goes for your eye serum. It should be lightweight and milky in texture so that the peptides can absorb into your delicate eye area to fight dark circles, lines, and sagging. If the texture changes, it won’t be nearly as effective and you’ll have a harder time reaching your anti-aging goals.