One Skincare Routine Step Dermatologists All Agree You Can’t Afford To Skip

Sep 25, 2021
One Skincare Routine Step Dermatologists All Agree You Can’t Afford To Skip

Dermatologists are some of the most educated doctors when it comes to your skin.

They see millions of patients across the country every year and help address concerns ranging from acne, scar removal and of course, anti-aging. They spend years studying the structure of the skin and are hands down the subject matter experts when it comes to your face.

Do you know what the one thing these experts all agree on?

That the most important steps in your skincare routine is caring for your eye area! According to dermatologists, it’s the number one overlooked area to care for when people begin using proper skin care.

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Unique Skin Requires Unique Care

Did you know that the skin around your eyes is only a fraction as thick as the rest of the skin on your face? That means that factors like UV rays and gravity can wreak more havoc on your eyes than you thought.

Because the eye area has such a unique kind of skin, it requires special kind of care and that’s from an eye serum. Because the particles of the effective ingredients tend to be smaller and easier to absorb with serum, it makes nourishing this area extra effective. If you’re using your regular face cream on your eye area, chances are it’s not able to absorb all the benefits.

Note: If you don’t have one I really recommend the South Beach Skin Lab – Eye Lift Serum

Your Eyes Age Faster Than Your Face

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Because the eye area has such thin skin, the way it ages actually completely different from the rest of your face. Being made of such thin skin, it’s highly prone to wrinkles and lines. Even the bags below your eyes are expected to worsen over time because the tissue below the eyes is naturally missing a lot of essential elements that make your skin strong.

There’s very little soft tissue like fat or muscle in that area which increases the likelihood of the skin caving in and creating deeper eye bags and puffiness. With all these additional factors of aging your eyes need to deal with, it’s no surprise they need special products for you to see results.

It Benefits The Most From Nutrients and Peptides

The single most effective way to treat and repair wrinkles and aging to this area is by using peptides and using them often. When applied with a serum, those peptides have the opportunity to go deeper into your skin and provide astonishing results in reversing signs of aging.

Note: South Beach Skin Lab – Repair and Release cream is a great base of peptides to use underneath the Eye Lift Serum. It contains a proprietary blend of 3 unique peptides!

Also including ingredients like comfrey are going to be very effective in preventing and reversing wrinkles and lines because of it’s anti-inflammatory properties. Using comfrey to such a sensitive area will help it better retain moisture which means the area will look plumper and wrinkles will be almost instantly less visible.

rub to hard By now, you know deep down that just using a basic moisturizer on your eyes just isn’t enough support for this delicate area. If you’re tired of searching for a cure for those difficult to manage under-eye wrinkles, then it’s time for you to start taking your eye serum seriously!