These Are The Easiest Ways To Stimulate More Collagen Production

Sep 22, 2021
These Are The Easiest Ways To Stimulate More Collagen Production

All of our bodies naturally produce collagen but after the age of thirty, our production of it slows down dramatically – leading to wrinkles and sagging skin.

Helping your skin produce more collagen is an important part of a youthful and healthy complexion. If you suffer from signs of aging but want to see improvements in the looks of skin, use these easy suggestions below to increase your collagen for a more youthful look!


clean skin Antioxidant ingredients are very important for your skin because they help protect your cells and fight free radicals. While antioxidants have been used in all kinds of personal care products, they are not all made with the same quality and anti-aging abilities. If you are looking to improve the look of aging skin, you’ll want to make sure you’re incorporating the highest quality antioxidant ingredients into your skincare routine.

Antioxidants in your skincare can go to work almost instantly helping to revive skin and repair damage that causes accelerated aging. These antioxidants will help your body naturally increase collagen production which will help fade wrinkles and lift sagging skin. While these antioxidant ingredients won’t provide instant results, over time it has been shown to give amazing results by working to improve your production of collagen and focusing cell turnover for your face to reveal a glowing complexion!

Vitamin C

rub to hard If there was a queen of skincare ingredients, it would be vitamin C. This powerhouse ingredient can help your skin in so many ways that it is an essential ingredient in any skincare routine. Vitamin C can help brighten your skin and fade dark spots quickly, but it is also an amazing ingredient for helping boost your natural collagen production.

Vitamin C has a very scientific way of help your skin. The ingredient itself is essential for building collagen and without it, your body can’t produce more. By applying vitamin C to your skin daily, it is going to help boost your collagen production and make sure all the other ingredients in your routine are working their hardest. Because collagen production is linked to firmer and most lifted skin, including vitamin C in your daily routine will be sure to give you the lifted look to your skin you’ve been working so hard for!


Stay consistent Most of the skincare research in the last few decades has been centered around one very important type of ingredient – peptides. Peptides can work wonders for your skin and depending on the type of peptides, they can help with everything from firming, lifting, brighten, and healing your skin. While there are many peptides available, we exclusively use cosmeceutical peptides in all our formulations which have been rigorously tested and proven by science.

Collagen is actually made up of polypeptides which are a form of peptides. That means that the more peptides you add to your skincare routine, the more collagen your skin will produce. When your collagen production goes up, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how your wrinkles and lines soften. Your skin will also benefit from the lifting and firming benefits of peptides and you’ll be hearing “what is your secret?!” from friends and family in as little as a month!