At the beginning of January, the South Beach Skin Lab team received a pleasant surprise from a customer of ours who has been using our products for almost 3 years…
Susan called us from her home in Jackson, WY to chat about a lot of different things, but one of the most interesting topics that came up was her skincare journey at the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
“I have had really good luck with my skin over the years, but once I hit 45 things started going downhill for me.”
Although she started showing signs of aging later in life than most people, Susan noticed that once she turned 45, her complexion wasn’t as radiant and youthful as before. She confessed that it was an incredibly difficult part of her life.
“One of my biggest fears was bumping into someone that I hadn’t seen in a long time and knowing they were thinking ‘Wow, Susan looks a lot older than when I last saw her!’”
But once the Pandemic hit and everyone was holed up indoors, she found that she had much more time on her hands, and started getting more and more fascinated with skincare.

That’s when she found South Beach Skin Lab!
She started off by researching how to fix her biggest concern - Dark Circles and Eye bags.
“I came across a lot of DIY recipes online that never really worked for me, but then I found your Eye Recovery Serum and I haven’t looked back since!”
At the beginning of 2020, Susan had just turned 50, so she felt there was a lot of work to be done when it came to her complexion.
She started with the Eye Recovery Serum sometime in March 2020 and has been a faithful user of it ever since.
When we asked her how long it took for her to see results she was happy with, she had this to say:
“It wasn’t an instant fix. In the beginning, I was quite skeptical, but I thought I may as well stick it out through the first 30 days. That was the best decision I ever made! After about 3 weeks I could definitely see my dark circles getting lighter and my eye bags becoming less puffy.”

She also added that the more she kept using the Eye Serum, the more her results improved. It’s safe to say that Susan won’t be letting this product leave her routine anytime soon!
In fact, she’s been so impressed with the results she’s had, that she said her goal in 2023 is to try each and every one of the South Beach Skin Lab products, starting with the new Collagen Filler Serum.
Another goal of hers this year is to get her complexion to a point where she feels confident enough to go out in public with nothing but Mascara.
“I don’t enjoy applying makeup, but I don’t feel confident enough without it. If I can fill in some of my deep wrinkles and make my skin a little softer and smoother, I’d feel much better!”
We have no doubt that, as long as she keeps up her hard work and dedication, Susan will reach her 2023 goal in no time!
Before our conversation ended, we asked what piece of skincare advice she thinks everyone should know, and she said something that we couldn’t agree more with.
“You have to stick to it every day. Change doesn’t happen overnight, and if you really want to see some results you have to trust the process and never miss a day.”
If there’s one thing we always say in our blog, it’s to be as consistent as possible to get the best results!
We can’t wait to see what 2023 has in store for Susan. If there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that a radiant complexion is certainly in her near future!